"Poe" is a paranormal thriller series following the adventures of a young woman descended from Edgar Allen Poe as she grapples with a tragic past coming back to haunt her, navigating a new romance, and facing a deadly curse inherited from the master of the macabre himself. Three books comprised the published installments in the series, with three more in the works.
Poe: Nevermore
Elenora Allison Poe is twenty-four years old, drowning in debt and depression, and very alone, having been orphaned at the age of two and raised in an unloving household. Suffering from insomnia and PTSD from a traumatic experience seven years before, Poe keeps everyone at arm's length. Then, she meets homicide detective Caleb Frost and her life changes dramatically. Frost sees Poe's brokenness in perfect clarity and sympathizes with her. However, just when Poe is starting to let him in, she discovers a horrible truth: she is the sole direct descendant of Edgar Allan Poe, inheriting not only the last name of one of the world's most famous poets, but also a terrible family curse that takes the form of the master of the macabre's most haunting tales. If Poe cannot recognize the curse unfolding in time, it will destroy the lives of all those close to her and annihilate her sanity.
Poe: Rest In Peace
The shocking and fast-paced sequel to Nevermore, Rest in Peace picks up with Elenora Allison Poe one month after the first novel's conclusion. Frost and Poe are still recovering from the tragedies they survived in "The Raven", both emotionally and physically. As they struggle to rebuild their relationship from ashes, Poe discovers that she is being stalked by her most wicked nightmare, Lex, and is swept into a maelstrom of instability and paranoia. Without Frost's protection, Poe quickly loses her already shaky grip on her sanity as with each passing moment the inevitable reunion with her tormentor draws nearer. Meanwhile, the Poe family curse continues to haunt the tragic heroine, dragging her into a labyrinth of darkness from which there may be no escape....
Poe: Death's Mark
The much-anticipated follow-up to Rest in Peace, Death's Mark finds Poe, Frost and Trina healing and seeking a new normal to found their lives on. But for Poe, there may never be a "new normal." The only other direct descendant of Edgar Allan Poe, a twenty-year-old girl named Tori, is seeking answers about her lineage, answers Poe only wishes she had. Meanwhile, Poe’s former foster-father has grown progressively more volatile and his actions are crushing his submissive wife to the point of threatening her very existence. Poe can hardly protect herself and her new patchwork family from Jonathon Aaron, much less find a way to rescue her helpless foster-mom from the clutches of the curse, and must choose between the people she loves most. Concluding with an epic final stand-off between Poe and the man who destroyed her childhood, Death's Mark depicts the tragic heroine's first hope for a future and her battle to hold onto that hope.
Poe: Haunted Souls
Sleep with one eye open.... The long-awaited fourth installment in the "Poe" series is coming this fall! To be the first to hear any news about Poe: Haunted Souls, subscribe to my email list using the widget below. You may even have the chance to read excerpts before publication or join my crew of beloved beta-readers.